Sunday, January 25, 2015

Should the government keep secrets?

                For years the government has been keeping secrets from us, taking away our constitutional right of knowing about all government activity. America was meant to be governed by the people and for the people; we deserve to be aware of what is going on. Whether it may be for the safety of ourselves and others. It’s indeed useful and beneficial for the country because freedom and knowledge will make the country prosper. People would become dedicated in helping to resolve the situation and they would be more prepared on what is to come. The more we are informed of the situations they slowly become less and less of a shock to us. That way our reactions aren't too extreme or go out of hand.

 They say that if we are notified about what is going on people will began protests and riots, but is that really the case? Many people do it anyway for other problems or to stand up for their beliefs.  Also they claim that in certain information will allow terrorists to gain military information and use it against us to harm our nation. Which could possibly true but in that case it’s acceptable if it involves keeping the country secure. The government is only doing what they want and what is best for them. We could give them alternatives or different ideas that are flexible for both government and the people. The government is making decisions for us when we also should have a say in what needs to be done.

The decisions they make creates major impacts on the lives of U.S. citizens. Such as the investment of our money, for example if we spent it or lend it to the wrong people, economy would be disastrous, hurting many lives of innocent citizens. They don’t always do the brightest action and don’t realize that it could harm the citizens in more ways that they think. We have allowed them to think and act for us as ignorant people because the thing that makes us outstanding, strong, and powerful is the only thing that we are lacking, Knowledge.