Thursday, August 28, 2014

Perpose of Myth Review

1.  Four fundamental questions that myths address:
  • What is nature of the universe in which I live?
  • How do I relate to that universe?
  • How much control do I have over my own life?
  • How can I live a satisfying life?
2.  Four themes in world mythology:
  • The first parents are often the gods of sky and earth
  • The creator-god usually fashions the first human beings from parts of the earth-perhaps clay, trees, rocks or plants.
  • The gods destroy at least one world of mortals by causing a great flood.
  • In the world as nature, birth, maturity and earth are often followed by rebirth.
3.  The beginning of the universe for major cultures was a chaotic, formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate. The gods multiply so that they each can have their particular role in the universal scheme, and the creator-god brings life to earth.

4.  The beginning of the universe for major cultures was a chaotic, formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate. The gods multiply so that they each can have their particular role in the universal scheme, and the creator-god brings life to earth.

5.  Ordinary people identify heroes by their imperfections, allowing them to like them because everyone has similar psychological needs and conflicts.

6.  The foundation of the Matriarchal Society was the agricultural year.

7.  Sigmund Freud views myths as the expression of the individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives.

8.  Myths demonstrate that people possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Personal Birth Order Essay

My Personal Birth Order Essay

            The personality traits in the birth order research for youngest children are evenly accurate and inaccurate for me. It lists traits such as show off, charming, people, people person, and have professions that are on stage or show business. These are the traits that defiantly don’t describe me. Other personality traits such as affectionate, absentminded, and impetuous are in fact completely accurate.

            The birth order research states that the youngest children are show offs, charming and a people person. My personality is the complete opposite from the statements. I’m shy, not talkative, and keep to myself around people I don’t know. As a child I was more of a show off and charming. I liked to be the center of attention of others. I was talkative to everyone, always making people laugh. As I grew older I gradually became shy, quiet and always in my shell. As an example, I get extremely nervous during presentations or when I have the attention of two or more people. Even though I’m not quite the people person I’m still loving amongst others.

            Youngest children are considered very affectionate and somewhat absentminded. I always have my arms open to anyone who needs help. I love helping especially animals. I’m always available to anyone or anything that needs my help. Also I would have to admit that I can be somewhat absentminded. I do have what they call “my blonde moments” and sometimes tend to be in my own world and day dream a lot. Mostly throughout the day when I’m tired or very bored I doze off into space. Even if I can be absentminded it never interferes with my decision making.

            Other traits that are listed on this category are impetuous and have a profession that is required to be on stage or show business. I always take each decision seriously in any situation and at all times think of the consequences. I know that any decision I make can affect other people around me so I always try to make the best decision. The last trait is to have a career choice that requires the ability to be on stage or show business. I find this something that doesn’t described me. I would rather help and make a difference rather than show off and be charming. I get very nervous when I have the attention of many people and prefer to be behind the curtains. As you can see that the research was pretty close to spot on.

            These personality traits are definitely distributes evenly both ways. I was impressed on some of the accuracy of the research and didn’t realize that they were because of the birth order. It has opened my eyes to the traits that I haven’t noticed before and didn’t know that all your personality traits mean something amazing and important.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

BOR Research and Evidence T-Chart

What the Research says:
Evidence showing accuracy or inaccuracy:

Charming, show off, people person
I was indeed the type of person who always liked to make people laugh.  I was somewhat of a charming person as a child growing up, but as I grew older I increasingly became the complete opposite. I don’t really like the attention or to be in the spot light, I tend to be more in my shell.

Precocious, affectionate, uncomplicated, care free, vivacious
I do believe all of these traits suit me personally. I feel like I am a bit more mentally mature in some senses. I am really affectionate, I always like to help people, but I am especially affectionate towards animals. I am very laid back and calm, I see things in black and white and don’t tend to complicate things. I can be carefree sometimes unintentionally and I’m vivacious at times also.

Rebellious, critical, temperamental, impatient, impetuous
I’m definitely am not all rebellious, I’m the complete opposite. I can be critical though, mostly to myself more than others. I don’t mean to be but I do it without noticing.  I sometimes can be temperamental, especially if I had a bad day, I become very moody. I have more patients than most people, but I don’t have the all the patients in the world. I’m not impetuous, I always have to think over before I do something and sometimes I can overthink things.

Manipulative, blames others, somewhat absentminded
I don’t see myself ever being manipulative and don’t believe that it describes who I am. I help people and don’t find interest in manipulating them. I’m usually the person to be blamed for everything because I’m the youngest and have more of a tendency of making mistakes. I do have to admit I can be somewhat absentminded. I do have my blonde moments and doze off into space and day dream a lot.

Careers: show business/on stage
I’m not the kind of person who is the center of attention or like to be in the spot light. If I’m ever in the spot light I become very nervous and begin to panic. I’m more likely to be the one behind the curtains. My career of choice is a veterinarian. I like to make a difference and help others.

 Motivating factors: “do it now, worry later”
My motivation isn’t based on “do it now, worry later.” At all times think about the consequences to my actions in every situation because of the fact that I know it affects the people around me. I mostly overthink think in some situations because I always try to make the best decisions.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Words from Latin Roots #1

Roots and Derivatives:

1) act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2) ali, alter: another, other
3)am: at/ to love
4) anim: life, spirit, soul

 Word List:

1) Agenda: A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to;
Timmy recorded his appointment into his agenda.

2) Agile: Able to move quickly and easily;
The young girl moved agile through the crowd to get to her parents.

3) Alienate: Cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged;
As he looked around the room he felt alienated from the rest.

4) Altercation: A noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public;
The jury had an altercation in the conference room over the defendant.

5) Amiable: Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner;
She gave the stranger a amiable smile.

6) Amorous: Strongly attracted to or disposed of love;
The young couple showed that they were very amorous to each other.

7) Animated: Full of life or excitement; lively;
"Your child looks very animated to go to Disneyland this summer."

8) Equanimity: Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper especially in a difficult situation;
She saw that all her hard work had been destroyed but accepted it with equanimity.

9) Inalienable: Unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor;
Freedom of religion is the most inalienable of all human rights

10)Inanimate: Not alive, especially not the manner of animals and humans;
The opossum looked completely inanimate, I wasn't sure it was still breathing.

11) Magnanimous: Very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful;
The director gave his workers a magnanimous bonus for the holidays
12) Reactionary: Opposing political or social liberalization or reform;
Mine are clearly reactionary reviews an will have little or no effect at all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections on Week 1

1) Now with the new schedule its a bit complicated to finish all your work due to all the classes giving out homework. Also having to use electronics to do assignments might be difficult also because they can crash down at anytime and destroy all your hard work. Those are the only factors that I believe is going to affect my participation in this class.

2) The best learning experience was my English teacher Ms. Davis. When she would teach her class everyday she was always enthusiastic about her lessons and explained with much detail. She made us do group work and other group activities which helped tremendously by combining our thoughts together and creating amazing ones. It was very fun, interesting, and defiantly not boring.

3) My most concern in this class is the presentations. I have always been stage fright and don't like to be on the spot light. I look forward to improving on my speaking and writing skills. I believe that it would make a huge impact in my life because they are skills you will be using for the rest of your life and its important to be fairly well at it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My Six Word Memoir

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"Everything that SHINES isn't always GOLD."

Things are not always what they appear to be. Each and everyone of us have our own cover or personality, some of us choose to expose them falsely to the public and lead others to believe they are something that they are truly not. Making themselves look better than they truly are, to be too good to be true. I believe that many people in this time period are more exposed to people this way, whether its to make them believe that they are someone they are not so they can fit into a crowd. Also they lie about their feelings convincing us that they are fine when in reality they are dyeing slowly in the inside to hide their problems.