Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections on Week 1

1) Now with the new schedule its a bit complicated to finish all your work due to all the classes giving out homework. Also having to use electronics to do assignments might be difficult also because they can crash down at anytime and destroy all your hard work. Those are the only factors that I believe is going to affect my participation in this class.

2) The best learning experience was my English teacher Ms. Davis. When she would teach her class everyday she was always enthusiastic about her lessons and explained with much detail. She made us do group work and other group activities which helped tremendously by combining our thoughts together and creating amazing ones. It was very fun, interesting, and defiantly not boring.

3) My most concern in this class is the presentations. I have always been stage fright and don't like to be on the spot light. I look forward to improving on my speaking and writing skills. I believe that it would make a huge impact in my life because they are skills you will be using for the rest of your life and its important to be fairly well at it.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you about how Ms. Davis did teach with a lot of great detail. I actually think that's what helped me in her class. Half the time I was stuck, but with her explaining it helped out a lot. I like how you gave good examples on how technology could and can't be so great. Overall great job and I really LOVE your blog. It's mysterous and cool looking.
