Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives
  1. anni, annu, enni (year): anniversary, semiannual, biennial, bicentennial, annuity
  2. aqua, aque (water): aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium, aqualung, subaqueous, aquamarine
  3. arm (arm, weapon): army, alarm, disarm, armaments, armory, armor
  4. art (art, craft, skill): artistic, artificial, inarticulate, artmobile, article, artifices
Word List
  1. aqua: the hue of the sea:, bluish-green. Aqua is one of the most popular favorite colors.
  2. aquaculture: the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food. Aquaculture ponds usually contain shrimp or fish.
  3. aqueous: like, of, or formed by water: watery. The batter for the pancakes seem too aqueous than it should.
  4. armada: a fleet of worships. This was the greatest armada to sail into battle in the history of the world.
  5. armature: equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering; an armlike extension. The brave soldier prepared his armature for the big battle.
  6. armistice: a temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty. After many years of allegations the two countries agreed to an armistice.
  7. artifact: any object produced by the art of the human hand; simple or primitive objects from the distant past. This artifact has been apart of this family for many generations and  for many to come.
  8. artifice: cunning ingenuity; cleaver or sly trickery. He will conquer who has learned the artifice of deviation.
  9. artisan: a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft. The artisan earned lots of money by selling his work.
  10. millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity; a thousand years. Later still, in the last millennium B.C., it seems that even the bodies of the poor were pickled.
  11. perennial: year after year; throughout the years; n, a plant that blooms annually. As you walked into the room all you notice was the sent of perennial, that were gathered into a vase in the center of a table.
  12. superannuated: worn out, or retired, from age and years of use of hard work; obsolete or outdated. Walking past the neighborhood was filled with superannuated houses. 

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