Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Personal Birth Order Essay

My Personal Birth Order Essay

            The personality traits in the birth order research for youngest children are evenly accurate and inaccurate for me. It lists traits such as show off, charming, people, people person, and have professions that are on stage or show business. These are the traits that defiantly don’t describe me. Other personality traits such as affectionate, absentminded, and impetuous are in fact completely accurate.

            The birth order research states that the youngest children are show offs, charming and a people person. My personality is the complete opposite from the statements. I’m shy, not talkative, and keep to myself around people I don’t know. As a child I was more of a show off and charming. I liked to be the center of attention of others. I was talkative to everyone, always making people laugh. As I grew older I gradually became shy, quiet and always in my shell. As an example, I get extremely nervous during presentations or when I have the attention of two or more people. Even though I’m not quite the people person I’m still loving amongst others.

            Youngest children are considered very affectionate and somewhat absentminded. I always have my arms open to anyone who needs help. I love helping especially animals. I’m always available to anyone or anything that needs my help. Also I would have to admit that I can be somewhat absentminded. I do have what they call “my blonde moments” and sometimes tend to be in my own world and day dream a lot. Mostly throughout the day when I’m tired or very bored I doze off into space. Even if I can be absentminded it never interferes with my decision making.

            Other traits that are listed on this category are impetuous and have a profession that is required to be on stage or show business. I always take each decision seriously in any situation and at all times think of the consequences. I know that any decision I make can affect other people around me so I always try to make the best decision. The last trait is to have a career choice that requires the ability to be on stage or show business. I find this something that doesn’t described me. I would rather help and make a difference rather than show off and be charming. I get very nervous when I have the attention of many people and prefer to be behind the curtains. As you can see that the research was pretty close to spot on.

            These personality traits are definitely distributes evenly both ways. I was impressed on some of the accuracy of the research and didn’t realize that they were because of the birth order. It has opened my eyes to the traits that I haven’t noticed before and didn’t know that all your personality traits mean something amazing and important.



  1. This is very well written, but I think you could of made a stronger intro.

  2. Quite interesting to learn about your personality traits. Enjoyed your learning about your personal life and good essay by the way
