Monday, November 17, 2014

Latin Roots # 6

 Roots and Derivatives:

1. corp(or): body
2. cred: to believe, to trust
3. cur(r),curs, course: to run, to flow
4. dic(t): to speak, to say

 1. Benediction (n): the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness
  • The father gave the young couple benediction for their marriage.
2. Concourse (n): a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng
  • The concourse of the different colors gave the artist inspiration.
3.   Concurrent (a): occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together
  • This year we are having a concurrent holiday, Thanksgiving and my niece's birthday 
4.  Corporal (a): related to the physical body 
  • She advised the doctor that his patient may have major corporal damage.
5. Corpulent (a): very stout; fleshy and obese; fat
  • The deer that they shot while hunting was extremely corpulent.
6. Credibility (n): the quality of being believable or trustworthy
  • Credibility is a character trait that I look for in my friends.
7. Credulity(n): the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof. 
  • Nobody has more credulity than children.
8. Cursory (a): a done in a superficial or hasty manner
  • Every day Tommy has a very cursory way to clean his room.
9. Dictum (n): an authoritative saying or maxim
  • The dictum that teenagers use in this time isn't very proper.
10. Incorporate (v): to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole
  • Ben used old cardboard boxed to incorporate a  robot costume.
11. Incredulous (a): not believing, skeptical, or doubting
  •  The students where incredulous when the teacher said to take the day off.
12. Indicative (a): characteristic of or very much like; suggestive
  • The upset stomach was an indicative of the constant swinging on a swing.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Antigonie Questions

1.What kind of prize is given for dancing choruses of worshippers?
The dancing choruses of worshipers began competing for a bull or a goat.

2.How many spectators would gather in the open-air theatre of Dionysos?
As many as fourteen thousand spectators gathered in the open-air theatre of Dionysos.

3.How does the mask affect the voices of the actors?
The masks were used to amplify the actor's voices.

4.Why was Antigone suspenseful to viewing audiences?
It was suspenseful because the audience knew things the characters didn't know.

5.How is the shepherd to leave the infant on the mountains?
The shepherd is ordered to leave the infant to die on a mountainside with his ankles pinned together.

6.What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus?
The Sphinx's riddle stated," What creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

7.Who are Oedipus' kids?
Oedipus' kids are Polyneices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene.

8.After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?
After Oedipus is exiled, Creon took over as a regent.

9.What did the family do to the dead body?
The family closed the dead person's eyes and mouth and began to prepare the body for the prosthesis, the wake. Then they placed the body on the bier, a portable framework, making sure that the feet pointed toward the door, and sprinkled it with wild marjoram and other herbs, which were believed to keep the evil spirits away. At the prosthesis, women waited near the body and men entered in a formal procession with their right arms raised high in the air. The closest relative reached out and held the dead person's head with both hands, the other mourners began to beat their faces and tear their hair. They also wailed and sang.

Liturature Analysis #2

Their Eyes Where Watching God

By: Zora Neale Hurston

Part 1:
              Janie Crawford is a beautiful, middle aged, black woman that everyone gossips about. Janie is very confident and ignores the gossip. Her friend Pheoby is always there to stand up for her when she needs it. Janie was married off to a farmer who was much older than her named Logan Kilicks. He was abusive, mistreating, and disrespectful to her. He treated her as if she was a mule. Janie then meet a man years later named Joe Starks whom she secretly flirted and fell in love with. They later ran away together to get married. They spend their days traveling around the country. Joe succeeds in many carriers including mayor, post master, store keeper, and the largest land owner in town. Janie seeks something more in her life, she wishes to be apart of the rich social life in town, but Joe refuses to let  her. He tries to control her perspective on how a mayor's wife should be, but it didn't stop her from what she believed in. She is with him for two decades, their marriage came to an end when she reveals him for who he really is. Later within that year he passes away. Janie finally gets a break from all chaos, relieved and free. Janie Then meets another man twelve years younger named Tea Cakes and falls in love. As expected, he steals all of her money, leaving her empty handed. Tea Cakes returns to her with regret and apologizes for what he had done, claiming that he didn't mean it. They got into a grand argument which soon became a fight with a gun and Janie shoots him. She goes to trial for murder and is found not guilty. She returns to her home town. All women gossiping about her as always and with Phoeby who is always welcoming her.
Part 2:
               What I believe the main theme of this novel is be careful for who you fall for. Every marriage she has been in has gone for the worst. Who she thought she could trust or loved her back became to be awful, mean, abusive, disrespectful, and treated her as though she was nothing.
Part 3: 
              The protagonist Janie, is a very dynamic but also flat character. She has always been a strong, confident, and brave woman throughout the entire novel and it was what enabled her to get through all her difficult times.
Part 4:
               A wedding ring would be a significant symbol to this novel because every marriage she was in had been very dysfunctional and hurting for her. She wasn't able to find true love that she desired for but instead she fell for men that where mistreating and disrespectful, causing her to  have a large amount of captivity and pain.\
Part 5:
              I chose this book because it was recommended by Mr. Ostini. It had a similar theme as the book I had previously read in which I enjoyed very much. When I read this novel the most appealing to me was the main character. She was very strong willing and brave. Amazing to see that even after everything she still managed to support herself.
Part 6:
               The main character Janie reminded me of my mother. They are both very strong willing, brave confident women whom gone through many troubled times in their past. Always able ti keep on going for what they believe is right, not let anything get in their way of it .
Part 7:
                After every bad event that occurred to her she always managed to pick herself u and get back on her feet. Never leaving behind what she wanted to achieve or getting in the way of what she believed in. Her confidence appealed me because many women wouldn't of handled things the way that she has or do the things that she has done. She is a very memorable person and might even say role model for some also.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Antigone Quickwrite

       It takes a lot of courage to do what you believe is right. I'm the kind of person who would break any rule or law in the right mind of others and myself. I most defiantly would choose to give my favorite brother the proper burial that he deserves despite the consequences there might be. knowing that I could cause much danger to others with their death, I must keep this to myself. I couldn't trust just anyone with this information because it would revel my plan to my uncle. I would risk my life for my beloved brother, but I must try to keep anonymously for as long as I don't get caught. Knowing all the operations of the king and the guards I would arrange a plan to escape through the night when everyone is asleep and head towards the corpse of my brother. Trying not to run or come across any guards. I bring the proper supplies such as a shovel, blanket, wagon, and also a marking stone of remembrance of where he was buried. Before leaving I must make a plan of where I will move the body, somewhere safe, peaceful, and relaxing. This plan would take possibly weeks or days to construct perfectly but it must be done in a organized and secretively way as possible. As I roam around to find a perfect spot where my brothers soul could finally rest in peace, I finally find one. Its under a willow tree atop of a grassy hill overseeing a lake. It would be absolutely perfect being that it's also hidden where nobody knows. I have all my puzzle pieces ready to complete my plan. I sneak out in the night, wrap him in a blanket and put him on the wagon. I must take him to where he will be buried, watching my back and every move, making sure no one is following me. I had dug a hole before I got him and place him in the ground. I surround him with wildflowers that grow freely on the grass. I say a few words from the heart and my goodbyes and burry him. I hurry back, cautiously making sure no one sees me and return to my room.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Liturature Analyisis #1

1.            Celie is a young fourteen year old African American girl who is consistently abused and raped by her Pa. During the time she has lived with her Pa she had been impregnated by him twice, whom he had taken away from her immediately after birth and given away to a couple. Celie was later given off to the hand of an abusive man, who married her only for work, housekeeping, and care for his rotten children. Even though this isn’t the life she had dreamed of she is somewhat relieved that she was able to take the place for her younger sister Nettie. Soon after Nettie moved in with Celie to escape from Pa. Mr.__ had desires for Nettie but she rejected him, soon after he kicked her out and assured her that she’d never hear from Celie and Celie would never hear from her.  Celie then never heard from her again which makes her life worse because she was the only person that she had loved that loved her back. Years had passed and Mr.__ had brought home his passed love, Shug, who was severely sick. It was Celie’s job to nurse her back to health and soon after they became the closest friends. Celie fell in love with Shug and Shug fell in love with her. Shug and Celie later discovered that Mr.__ had hidden the letters Nettie had written to her in a trunk, which had changed her life completely. After reading those letters it gave her the courage and strength to leave Mr.__. Celie moved to Memphis with Shug.  Later she finds out that her Pa is dead, also that he isn’t really her Pa. Her real Pa had died many years ago and her house was left for Celie and Nettie. Celie finally settled in that house in the hope of return of her sister and her children.

2.           There are many different themes in this book but the theme I chose was sexism. There was a great deal of sexism and it played a huge role in this novel. The women in this story began as nothing, an object to be controlled by men, and always stepped over on. Sometimes they stay that way because they don’t have the courage to stand up to themselves and they get continuously abused and raped. Even though brave women who try to stick up to themselves end up getting trampled over on again. They begin to stick together and conjoin their abilities and are able to support themselves. I believe the author included this theme because it’s something that happens to this day constantly and many women could relate to it.

3.          A friend had recommended it to me but I had remembered I had seen the movie.  It was very interesting. As I read through the book it gave some explicit details and it kept me reading more and more. I loved it so much I couldn’t put the book down. It just seemed so real and I felt the sadness that the main character had and I captured every detail.

4.       I did find this book very realistic. It included realistic problems and ideas that have happened in the past and present like rape, sexism, love, and abuse. I was in fact surprised that it wasn’t based on a true story. The connection I had was with Celie and Shug, they were always giving, loving, caring and always helping everyone. I believe that I’m very much like that and those characteristics describe me.

5.       The author’s tone in the beginning is very honest, sad, and serious but in the end she is happy and satisfied with her life.

·         “He beat me for dressing trampy but he do it to me anyway.” (pg. 7)

·         “But I don’t know how to fight. All I know is how to stay alive.” (pg.17)

·         “And us so happy. Matter of fact, I think this the youngest us ever felt.” (pg.289)



·         Hyperbole:  “You better not never tell nobody but God. It’d kill your mammy” (pg. 1)

When Celie has her baby her Pa forces her to keep it a secret and how important it is not to tell anyone.

·         Comparison: "I work on her like she a doll or like she Olivia- or like she Mama."  (pg. 55.)

Shug is someone who Celie loves unconditionally and it shows how much she values her.

·         Simile: "The Color Purple " is "hotter than July. Hotter than August and July. Hot like cooking dinner on a big stove in a little kitchen in August and July. Hot." (pg.167)

When Nettie is in Africa she is trying to describe and emphasize on how hot the weather is there.

·         Imagery: “She got a long pointed nose and big fleshy mouth. Lips look like black plum. Eyes big, glossy. Feverish. And mean.” (pg.44)

Celie is describing the physical traits of Shug when she first met her.

·         Simile: “people insane, say Shug. Crazy as betsy bugs.” (pg.208)

Shug is comparing her view of people and how they are crazy like bugs.

·         Personification: “You mean it want to be loved, just like the bible say.” (pg.191)

Shug is explaining to Celie that everything God creates wants to be loved.

·         Simile: “But one day when I was sitting quiet and feeling like a motherless child…”(pg.191)

Celie is remembering about her past and she is descping the way she felt.

·         Hyperbole: “She bout ten thousand times prettier than me.” (pg.7)

She exaggerates on Shug’s beauty because she is one of the most precious things in her life.

·         Personification: “My mind run up on a thought, git confuse, run back and sort of lay down.”(pg.197) When Celie is talking about how she usually handles her contradicting thoughts.

·         Hyperbole: “You made my life hell on earth. And your daddy here ain’t dead horse shit.” (pg.207) Celie finally stood up for herself and is telling Harpo that him and his siblings made her life even more difficult for her.

7.       Direct Characterization:

·         “Even if he do spend Shug’s money like he made it himself. Even if he do try to talk like somebody from the north.” (pg.111)

v  This character thinks greatly of himself and only interested in money.

·         “She got a long pointed nose and big fleshy mouth. Lips look like black plum. Eyes big, glossy. Feverish. And mean.” (pg.44)

v  This character is not very friendly with others. She sounds intimated and unapproachable.
Indirect Characterization:
·         “She ain’t smart either, and I’ll just be fair, you have to watch her or she’ll give away everything you own. But she can work like a man.” (pg.8)

v  This character is uneducated, unfaithful yet a hard working person.

·         “Oh, she say, I couldn’t ride in a pick-up with a strange colored man.”  (pg.100)

v  That this character doesn’t see herself and colored people the same and that she is racist.

8.       The syntax doesn’t change in the story when she is describing characters because she comes from an uneducated family. Throughout the whole novel it was written in her point of view and her description of the characters weren’t well-written. For example “you’re a trifling nigger, she say. You git that bucket and bring it back full.” The whole novel is written in letters in slang, showing that the narrator/character is uneducated.

9.       Celie is a dynamic and round character. In the beginning of the story she was very timid, shy, fearful, and never stood up for herself. Her life then changes when she meets Shug and everything turns for the best. She then becomes a confident, strong, brave, and powerful woman who gains control over her life.

10.   The novel was written in a diary from and it felt like I was reading about all of her secrets and personal thoughts throughout the book. It helped me get to know the narrator/character a lot better on the way her personality is and the way she thought about certain situations. I felt like I know everything there is about her, like a close friend whom she can tell everything to.  “He ain’t Shug, but he begin to be somebody I can talk to.” I chose this example because it shows on how she is very openly and honest about her life. She isn’t afraid to show how she really feels and embarrassed to express herself and that’s why I feel like I know her.

11.   Enduring Memory: One idea from this book that I would defiantly remember is when she was abused sexually, physically, and mentally. She was mostly abused by her Pa and her husband. She has gone through so a lot and suffered so much it was very painful to read. She was impregnated twice by her Pa and her children were forcibly removed from her soon after birth.  “He took my other little baby, a boy this time. “ She was constantly abused mentally, everyone always told her that she was ugly and fat, making her think less of herself. “She ugly.” Also she was very often beat physically by her Pa and later her husband. “He beat me for dressing trampy but he do it to me anyway.” The pain and suffering she has gone through is unforgettable.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

1. aud(it) (hear)
2. avi (bird)
3. bell(i) (war)
4. ben(e) (good,well)

Word List
  1. Antebellum- before the war, especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war.
 After many years had gone by they could still remember all the beautiful antebellum homes.  
  1. Audit- to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial records; the process of making such an examination.
Once a week I attend an audit class for informational and experience purposes.
  1. Auditory- related to the sense of hearing.
In my spanish class my teacher assigns us to record auditory essays to improve on our speaking.
  1. Avian- characteristics of or pertaining to birds.
Many dinosaurs and reptiles have avian characteristics such as feathers and the ability to lay eggs.
  1. Aviary- an elaborate structure of housing birds.
My aunt has many aviaries all over her home because she loves birds.
  1. Avionics- the technology of (using) electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight.
The scientists use avionics to advance aircrafts.
  1. Bellicose- eager to fight or quarrel; hostile.
After many years of bullying she finally couldn't handle it and became bellicose.
  1. Belligerency- the condition if warlike hostility; a hostile action.
Belligerency is a characteristic that describes a murderer.
  1. Benefactor- a person who gives another (financial) help; a patron
My parents are benefactors as they send money to my brother for college every month.
  1. Beneficiary- one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy.
After the collision of the cars, the driver was beneficiary for the repair of his car.
  1. Benign- not malignant; gracious and kindly; good-natures.
The tumor on her upper thigh was said to be benign by the doctor.
  1. Inaudible-  unable to be herd.
The music was playing in the background but it was inaudible because of all the noise.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives
  1. anni, annu, enni (year): anniversary, semiannual, biennial, bicentennial, annuity
  2. aqua, aque (water): aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium, aqualung, subaqueous, aquamarine
  3. arm (arm, weapon): army, alarm, disarm, armaments, armory, armor
  4. art (art, craft, skill): artistic, artificial, inarticulate, artmobile, article, artifices
Word List
  1. aqua: the hue of the sea:, bluish-green. Aqua is one of the most popular favorite colors.
  2. aquaculture: the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food. Aquaculture ponds usually contain shrimp or fish.
  3. aqueous: like, of, or formed by water: watery. The batter for the pancakes seem too aqueous than it should.
  4. armada: a fleet of worships. This was the greatest armada to sail into battle in the history of the world.
  5. armature: equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering; an armlike extension. The brave soldier prepared his armature for the big battle.
  6. armistice: a temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty. After many years of allegations the two countries agreed to an armistice.
  7. artifact: any object produced by the art of the human hand; simple or primitive objects from the distant past. This artifact has been apart of this family for many generations and  for many to come.
  8. artifice: cunning ingenuity; cleaver or sly trickery. He will conquer who has learned the artifice of deviation.
  9. artisan: a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft. The artisan earned lots of money by selling his work.
  10. millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity; a thousand years. Later still, in the last millennium B.C., it seems that even the bodies of the poor were pickled.
  11. perennial: year after year; throughout the years; n, a plant that blooms annually. As you walked into the room all you notice was the sent of perennial, that were gathered into a vase in the center of a table.
  12. superannuated: worn out, or retired, from age and years of use of hard work; obsolete or outdated. Walking past the neighborhood was filled with superannuated houses. 


          The world "value" to me is something that has great sentimental emotion and that is scarce. The item doesn't have to be expensive or bought at a store. It can be anything, small or big the "value" of the item is about the meaning behind it. It could have been given to you by someone special in your life, it can symbolize an important past date or event, or simply a favorite memory. Sometimes it isn't very common to be found like an artifact passed by generations, making it way more valuable to some. Your valuable item isn't always going to be as valuable to others as much as you, most of the time its mainly personal. Basically its not always about the money, there are better things in life than just money. It cannot bring you happiness, the small valuable things in life do in fact make you happy.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Perpose of Myth Review

1.  Four fundamental questions that myths address:
  • What is nature of the universe in which I live?
  • How do I relate to that universe?
  • How much control do I have over my own life?
  • How can I live a satisfying life?
2.  Four themes in world mythology:
  • The first parents are often the gods of sky and earth
  • The creator-god usually fashions the first human beings from parts of the earth-perhaps clay, trees, rocks or plants.
  • The gods destroy at least one world of mortals by causing a great flood.
  • In the world as nature, birth, maturity and earth are often followed by rebirth.
3.  The beginning of the universe for major cultures was a chaotic, formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate. The gods multiply so that they each can have their particular role in the universal scheme, and the creator-god brings life to earth.

4.  The beginning of the universe for major cultures was a chaotic, formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate. The gods multiply so that they each can have their particular role in the universal scheme, and the creator-god brings life to earth.

5.  Ordinary people identify heroes by their imperfections, allowing them to like them because everyone has similar psychological needs and conflicts.

6.  The foundation of the Matriarchal Society was the agricultural year.

7.  Sigmund Freud views myths as the expression of the individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives.

8.  Myths demonstrate that people possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Personal Birth Order Essay

My Personal Birth Order Essay

            The personality traits in the birth order research for youngest children are evenly accurate and inaccurate for me. It lists traits such as show off, charming, people, people person, and have professions that are on stage or show business. These are the traits that defiantly don’t describe me. Other personality traits such as affectionate, absentminded, and impetuous are in fact completely accurate.

            The birth order research states that the youngest children are show offs, charming and a people person. My personality is the complete opposite from the statements. I’m shy, not talkative, and keep to myself around people I don’t know. As a child I was more of a show off and charming. I liked to be the center of attention of others. I was talkative to everyone, always making people laugh. As I grew older I gradually became shy, quiet and always in my shell. As an example, I get extremely nervous during presentations or when I have the attention of two or more people. Even though I’m not quite the people person I’m still loving amongst others.

            Youngest children are considered very affectionate and somewhat absentminded. I always have my arms open to anyone who needs help. I love helping especially animals. I’m always available to anyone or anything that needs my help. Also I would have to admit that I can be somewhat absentminded. I do have what they call “my blonde moments” and sometimes tend to be in my own world and day dream a lot. Mostly throughout the day when I’m tired or very bored I doze off into space. Even if I can be absentminded it never interferes with my decision making.

            Other traits that are listed on this category are impetuous and have a profession that is required to be on stage or show business. I always take each decision seriously in any situation and at all times think of the consequences. I know that any decision I make can affect other people around me so I always try to make the best decision. The last trait is to have a career choice that requires the ability to be on stage or show business. I find this something that doesn’t described me. I would rather help and make a difference rather than show off and be charming. I get very nervous when I have the attention of many people and prefer to be behind the curtains. As you can see that the research was pretty close to spot on.

            These personality traits are definitely distributes evenly both ways. I was impressed on some of the accuracy of the research and didn’t realize that they were because of the birth order. It has opened my eyes to the traits that I haven’t noticed before and didn’t know that all your personality traits mean something amazing and important.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

BOR Research and Evidence T-Chart

What the Research says:
Evidence showing accuracy or inaccuracy:

Charming, show off, people person
I was indeed the type of person who always liked to make people laugh.  I was somewhat of a charming person as a child growing up, but as I grew older I increasingly became the complete opposite. I don’t really like the attention or to be in the spot light, I tend to be more in my shell.

Precocious, affectionate, uncomplicated, care free, vivacious
I do believe all of these traits suit me personally. I feel like I am a bit more mentally mature in some senses. I am really affectionate, I always like to help people, but I am especially affectionate towards animals. I am very laid back and calm, I see things in black and white and don’t tend to complicate things. I can be carefree sometimes unintentionally and I’m vivacious at times also.

Rebellious, critical, temperamental, impatient, impetuous
I’m definitely am not all rebellious, I’m the complete opposite. I can be critical though, mostly to myself more than others. I don’t mean to be but I do it without noticing.  I sometimes can be temperamental, especially if I had a bad day, I become very moody. I have more patients than most people, but I don’t have the all the patients in the world. I’m not impetuous, I always have to think over before I do something and sometimes I can overthink things.

Manipulative, blames others, somewhat absentminded
I don’t see myself ever being manipulative and don’t believe that it describes who I am. I help people and don’t find interest in manipulating them. I’m usually the person to be blamed for everything because I’m the youngest and have more of a tendency of making mistakes. I do have to admit I can be somewhat absentminded. I do have my blonde moments and doze off into space and day dream a lot.

Careers: show business/on stage
I’m not the kind of person who is the center of attention or like to be in the spot light. If I’m ever in the spot light I become very nervous and begin to panic. I’m more likely to be the one behind the curtains. My career of choice is a veterinarian. I like to make a difference and help others.

 Motivating factors: “do it now, worry later”
My motivation isn’t based on “do it now, worry later.” At all times think about the consequences to my actions in every situation because of the fact that I know it affects the people around me. I mostly overthink think in some situations because I always try to make the best decisions.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Words from Latin Roots #1

Roots and Derivatives:

1) act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2) ali, alter: another, other
3)am: at/ to love
4) anim: life, spirit, soul

 Word List:

1) Agenda: A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to;
Timmy recorded his appointment into his agenda.

2) Agile: Able to move quickly and easily;
The young girl moved agile through the crowd to get to her parents.

3) Alienate: Cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged;
As he looked around the room he felt alienated from the rest.

4) Altercation: A noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public;
The jury had an altercation in the conference room over the defendant.

5) Amiable: Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner;
She gave the stranger a amiable smile.

6) Amorous: Strongly attracted to or disposed of love;
The young couple showed that they were very amorous to each other.

7) Animated: Full of life or excitement; lively;
"Your child looks very animated to go to Disneyland this summer."

8) Equanimity: Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper especially in a difficult situation;
She saw that all her hard work had been destroyed but accepted it with equanimity.

9) Inalienable: Unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor;
Freedom of religion is the most inalienable of all human rights

10)Inanimate: Not alive, especially not the manner of animals and humans;
The opossum looked completely inanimate, I wasn't sure it was still breathing.

11) Magnanimous: Very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful;
The director gave his workers a magnanimous bonus for the holidays
12) Reactionary: Opposing political or social liberalization or reform;
Mine are clearly reactionary reviews an will have little or no effect at all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections on Week 1

1) Now with the new schedule its a bit complicated to finish all your work due to all the classes giving out homework. Also having to use electronics to do assignments might be difficult also because they can crash down at anytime and destroy all your hard work. Those are the only factors that I believe is going to affect my participation in this class.

2) The best learning experience was my English teacher Ms. Davis. When she would teach her class everyday she was always enthusiastic about her lessons and explained with much detail. She made us do group work and other group activities which helped tremendously by combining our thoughts together and creating amazing ones. It was very fun, interesting, and defiantly not boring.

3) My most concern in this class is the presentations. I have always been stage fright and don't like to be on the spot light. I look forward to improving on my speaking and writing skills. I believe that it would make a huge impact in my life because they are skills you will be using for the rest of your life and its important to be fairly well at it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My Six Word Memoir

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"Everything that SHINES isn't always GOLD."

Things are not always what they appear to be. Each and everyone of us have our own cover or personality, some of us choose to expose them falsely to the public and lead others to believe they are something that they are truly not. Making themselves look better than they truly are, to be too good to be true. I believe that many people in this time period are more exposed to people this way, whether its to make them believe that they are someone they are not so they can fit into a crowd. Also they lie about their feelings convincing us that they are fine when in reality they are dyeing slowly in the inside to hide their problems.